Team Photos - Style Guide
When choosing the style of photography for your team photos there's a few things to keep in mind.
The first question is... will you need to add new Team Members in the future?
If the answer is Yes then going for a well lit shot with a Studio Background is a very simple solution,
as the lighting and the backdrop can be set-up anywhere in the world to replicate the same look and feel!
Here's an example of one of our hand-painted canvas backdrops in use.
Scroll down for more possibilities.

Neutral grey is a popular choice that works well for many teams. As with the hand-painted backdrop (above) the neutral grey background (below) can be tinted any colour. This can be useful for matching your photos with your brand colours and identity, and makes them sit nicely in your website design.

City Scape
Depending on your office space you might have the option of using a large window with the city as your backdrop, suited to organisations working in finance, or large corporations who want to give the sense of being based at the centre business. Most Team Photos are shot centred in the frame, but note that the image on the right below has been shot off-centre so as to have room for a designer to place text in that space.

Office Setting
Thanks to our lovely lenses any space work, as long as there's enough distance behind the subject this out of focus 'bokeh' can be achieved. That said, it's best not to shoot in a busy lobby or thoroughfare, some degree of privacy is best so people can feel relaxed in front of the camera and not on display.

The Outdoors
If we have the weather then outside in nature is an ideal backdrop. Our eyes are most comfortable when looking at green so it makes sense an outdoor portrait is pleasant to look at. A caveat though... outdoor shoots in the same location aren't really suitable for large groups, or for shooting over different sessions. The changes in light and weather mean that consistent results are only achievable for groups of up to 10 or so maximum.
Urban Landscape
Shooting on the street can bring about some great results, being able to choose from many different backgrounds by just walking another few minutes or turning in another direction. The same outdoors caveat applies though as goes location and weather, but that said, if you're looking to give each portrait a slightly different character then this can work well.

Studio Shoots
A shoot at the studio means a world of possibilities from our full size hand-painted canvas backdrops to a whole range of colours. It is also possible to bring these options to you but depending on what's needed there may be additional costs involved for transport for the simple reason that most backdrops are nearly 3 metres long and require a van to move.
Studio White
Lastly there's the standard Studio White background look. This can be made to look as though the subject is floating completely in white space, but that look isn't all that popular these days, but still has it's uses every now and again.