'Polaroids' for Models

Models' Polas are simple snapshots showcasing a model's natural appearance with minimal styling or retouching. They provide a genuine preview of a model's look and versatility, used by agencies and casting directors for casting purposes. The term "polas" comes from the use of Polaroid cameras used to take instant photos in bulk sessions. Nowadays things are mostly digital.

Your look for polas should be uncomplicated. Well-fitted attire in neutral tones to maintain focus on your natural look. Hair styled in a relaxed everyday manner, say loose waves or a casual updo, and makeup should be kept minimal to accentuate the your features without masking them. Light foundation or tinted moisturizer are fine, a little mascara to define the eyes, and a subtle lip color are ideal for achieving a fresh, authentic look that resonates well on camera. The key is to present you as you are, so that casting agents and creatives can see how you can fit their vision.

The Shots...

  • A full-body image from the front (photographed from the front)
  • A full body image from the side
  • A full body picture from behind (because of the hair length)
  • A photo of your face (frontal)
  • A photo of your profile

The Shots...

  • A full-body image from the front
  • A full body image from the side
  • A full body picture from behind

(for the hair length and shape)

  • A photo of your face (frontal)
  • A photo of your profile (side)
  • A '3/4 profile' photo

What to wear

  • Plain white/grey t-shirt
  • White classic shirt
  • Jeans, denim
  • Plain one colored one piece or very minimal garment
  • Black shaped dress, or any dress that fits you well
  • Black tights/leggings
  • Clothes that highlight your figure best
  • High heels or plain shoes